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Python environment creation

Because merfish3d-analysis relies on a number of GPU-only functions, we strongly recommend that you create a specific python environment to ensure proper functioning.

Here are instructions using Mamba, a very fast implementation of conda.

Create a python 3.10 environment using your favorite package manager, e.g. mamba create -n merfish3d python=3.10

Installing merfish3d-analysis

Activate the environment and install the GPU dependencies. This install method assumes an Nvidia GPU capable of running CUDA >= 12.0.

mamba activate merfish3d
mamba install -c conda-forge -c nvidia -c pytorch -c rapidsai cupy cucim=24.08 pylibraft=24.08 raft-dask=24.08 cudadecon "cuda-version>=12.0,<=12.5" cudnn cutensor nccl onnx onnxruntime pytorch torchvision 'pytorch=*=*cuda*'

Finally, clone the repository using git clone and install using pip install .. For interactive editing use pip install -e ..

To build the documentation, install using pip install .[docs]. Then execute mkdocs build --clean and mkdocs serve. The documentation is available in your web browser at

Installing Baysor

Please follow the Baysor documentation to install for Linux. Keep track of the installation directory for use with merfish3d-analysis.