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Welcome to merfish3d-analysis Documentation

GPU accelerated post-processing for 2D or 3D iterative barcoded FISH data. This package currently Nvidia only and Linux only due to RAPIDS.AI package availabilty.

WARNING: alpha software. We are sharing this early in case it is useful to other groups. Please expect breaking changes.


Iterative multiplexing experiments, such as MERFISH, typically involve 6D data. These dimensions are [rounds,tile,channel,z,y,x] and require significant processing across each dimension to go from raw data to quality controlled transcript 3D localizations and 3D cell outlines.

Additionally, our laboratory, the Quantiative Imaging and Inference Laboratory (qi2lab), specializes in high-throughput 3D microscopy using custom microscopes. This includes purpose built high numerical aperture widefield and oblique plane microscopy platforms. While increased sampling provides more information on the sample, it introduces new challenges due to the increase in data density and more complicated MERFISH decoding inverse problem.

To efficiently perform 3D MERFISH processing, we created this merfish3d-analysis package. The goal of the package is to aid researchers in rapidly and robustly turning gigabyte to petabyte level MERFISH data into decoded transcripts using chunked, compressed file formats and GPU-accelerated processing.


  • Decode both 2D and 3D iterative barcoded experiments that use a codebook. Our focus on 3D MERFISH, but this library can be extended to any iterative imaging and barcoded RNA imaging approach.
  • Datastore optimized for large-scale imaging data.
    • Read and write compressed Zarr v2 using Tensorstore library for performance.
  • Processing capabilities for widefield, standard light-sheet, and skewed light-sheet data.
  • Rigid, affine, and deformable local tile registration.
    • GPU-accelerated registration estimation combined with ITK for image warping.
  • Rigid and affine global registration using multiview-stitcher
  • GPU-accelerated image processing and decoding.
    • Nearly all image processing functions utilize GPU acceleration through CuPy, CuCIM, CuVS, and custom CUDA kernels. All non-GPU accelerated functions are Numba accelerated.
    • Larger-than-GPU-memory block computations are handled using Ryomen, a lightweight solution that avoids many issues with other distribution computing solutions.
  • Iterative estimation of background and normalization vectors across codebook bits to remove subjective normalization by user that often leads to non-optimal decoding solutions.
  • Integrated functionality to leverage machine learning tools such as Cellpose, Baysor, and U-FISH.


Multiple examples are provided with the library, including qi2lab data, Zhuang laboratory data, and synthetic data.

API reference

For more information, check out the API Reference.